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    Property Lien Search

    We are committed to maintaining the reputation of being an outstanding property lien search service.

    Property Lien Search

    A property lien search is conducted to reveal whether there are liens on a property. Lien is a right to keep a property which belongs to someone else until that person pays off their debt. A Lien could also affect your ability to sell the property in the future, and they it could cost a lot of money to resolve if there’s an issue. To prevent this from happening, Nationwide Title Agency will help you protect your property and keep it in your possession.

    The are two types of liens that can be placed against a property: A voluntary lien and an involuntary lien. A voluntary lien is a mortgage or loan that the owner has agreed to pay in the past. An involuntary lien is, in most cases, a result of unpaid taxes or obligations like a home improvement invoice.
    Property Lien Search

    Liens are a matter of public records, so to find out if there are any liens on the home or property you are interested, we can do a property lien search. The way we conduct a property lien search to be precise with what we are looking for, we begin with an online search of the county records online. If there’s no lien data of the property owner or the address of the property, we continue searching by contacting the counties recorder or assessor’s office in person. Hiring a title company do all the necessary research for you is the best decision you could ever made.

    If we find that there is a lien on a property, the purchase will not be approved by the lender, and we recommend to most buyers not to purchase a property without clear title.

    Nationwide Title Agency

    Why should you hire a title insurance company? We are a company of professionals that conduct extensive searches, including property title search and property lien search and prepare abstracts containing the history of the ownership of the property explaining everything you need to know. Another benefit is that we can guarantee that your ownership will not be questioned in the future, or if it does get questioned, you will not have any additional costs. Call today at 1-888-308-6465

    Our Other Title Agency Services

    Nationwide performs sales & refinance for all product types.

    Complete Title Services

    Nationwide Land Title provides Title/Closing services to Real Estate Agents, Buyers, Sellers, Lenders and Homebuilders. We have professional closers statewide who can meet with borrowers at any time and in any location to execute closing documents.

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    Title And Lien Searches

    A property title search is a close examination of all public records that involve title to a specific property. The property title search is conducted to verify that there are no liens or other claims against the property title other than those scheduled to be erased at ..

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    Reliable Title Insurance

    Title insurance for property owners is called an Owner’s Policy and is usually issued in the amount of the real estate purchase. It is purchased for a one-time fee at closing and is valid for as long as the owner or his heirs have an interest in the property. Only an Owner’s Policy ..

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    Short Sale Assistance

    Our Short Sale Team has successfully closed hundreds of short sales in Florida. In our experience over the years with assisting homeowners, we have learned that the key to a successful short sale closing is constant communication with all parties ..

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