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    Title Search Services

    We are committed to maintaining the reputation of being an outstanding title search services.

    Property title search or title search is the process of recovering documents that define regulations concerning a property and establish relevant interest in that property. A title search is conducted to answer three questions about a property on the market. The first question is whether the seller has a interest in the property. Second, if there are any restrictions on the use of the land. Third, if there are any mortgages, taxes or liens that need to be paid off at closing.

    Title Search Services

    A title search is also conducted when an owner wishes to mortgage his property, and the bank requires him to ensure the transaction. Even though anyone can do a title search since all the relevant documents are a matter of public record, more and more people choose to hire title companies to do the work for them. Title companies have trained professionals who conduct thorough research and make a report called an abstract of title. If property title is found to be legitimate and ownership is clear, title companies issue a title insurance policy that protects you against any future claims against your property and potential financial loss.

    The main types of title search are full coverage and limited coverage title search. Full coverage search is performed when creating a title report for sale transactions and for a transaction that involves construction loans. This search is supposed to find liens, bankruptcy and judgment proceedings against the owner and the other parties on the title. Limited cover search title usually concerns making title reports to refinance transactions that involve ownership equity loans and making simple title guarantee reports. It is less extensive than a full coverage search and in most cases it includes searching for property liens or liens against the owner and the other parties on the title as well as search for bankruptcy proceedings against the owner of the property.

    Other types of title search are non-insured reports and guarantee foreclosure search. Non-insured reports are for informational purposes only since they provide the customer with the report, but with no insurance. These searches are for the purpose of dividing the property of a deceased person in multiple lots, or to create a subdivision. A foreclosure guarantee is a report that is most often used for foreclosing encumbrances in a certain property.

    Nationwide Title Search Agency

    We are a title search company with the best professionals in the field that conduct extensive searches, including property title search and property lien search. We prepare abstracts containing the history of the ownership of the property after doing the title search explaining everything you need to know. We can guarantee that the ownership of your new home in the future will not be questioned. Call today at 888-308-6465 or fill out a quick contact form !

    Our Other Title Agency Services

    Nationwide performs sales & refinance for all product types.

    Complete Title Services

    Nationwide Land Title provides Title/Closing services to Real Estate Agents, Buyers, Sellers, Lenders and Homebuilders. We have professional closers statewide who can meet with borrowers at any time and in any location to execute closing documents.

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    Title And Lien Searches

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    Reliable Title Insurance

    Title insurance for property owners is called an Owner’s Policy and is usually issued in the amount of the real estate purchase. It is purchased for a one-time fee at closing and is valid for as long as the owner or his heirs have an interest in the property. Only an Owner’s Policy ..

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    Short Sale Assistance

    Our Short Sale Team has successfully closed hundreds of short sales in Florida. In our experience over the years with assisting homeowners, we have learned that the key to a successful short sale closing is constant communication with all parties ..

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